Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Spring Time has sprung

I don't know about you guys, but things seemed to stepped up a notch around here. Sunshine and spring blossoms have motivated me, but oh boy! the list is a long one.
I'm stocking up for The Eco Kids Festival, to be held at Luna Park (Sydney) which should be an awesome day out. Just recently I took myself off to hte movies for Age of Stupid, an eye opener & makes you reassess where you're at & where you'd like to be going.
Plus all the regular family stuff, like trying to get the kids to eat the beautiful organic veg for dinner (uphill battle that one!)
So these photos are just my moments pause looking at the goodies (admittedly selectively) on my desktop and out the studio door.
But there's always the fun stuff of sourcing products for the shop and making sure they live up to their green creditials. Enough to keep me out of trouble for a while....

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Multi Use pieces

I'm all for stuff having more than one function. As our world fills up with more and more STUFF, it seems a fair call to make the things we do have work harder instead of getting 1 article/ object/ tool/ product/ thing do do 1 job only. Take this humble muslin wrap. Originally designed just to swadle little ones, it can also hand the Christmas pudding, strain the bits out of your home made jam or cheese, hang up over a window and watch the shadow play or wrap around your neck to keep the chill out. See. Easy peasy. Beautiful certified organic cotton, double layered. The company making these 90 cm squares of wonder make sure all their employees and their families have health and a safe work environment. Lets not forget they get paid a fair wage too! Everyone wins. Who wants the intensive chemically grown stuff (ie- cotton) nect to their little one, in their food or wrapped snuggly around their neck. Keep it in mind.