Monday, 25 January 2010

Researching the Researching

You would think that heading off for a research trip would be all peachy. Well, I am sure it will be once we get going. The amazing thing is how much work there is to make it all happen...

There are tickets to book, insurance to sort, luggage, gear and all the regular stuff, which are a fair bit of chasing around, especially when you are trying to get it all second hand (Love you ebay & gumtree). Well OK, most of it second hand (The second hand plane ticket and insurance market is not really happening).

The biggest challenge has been to identify, contact and book WWOOFing hosts. Do they take kids? Do they provide all meals? Are they currently working on something interesting? Can you get to them without several days of hiking through remote wilderness? Etc etc...

So basically, we'll keep researching the research trip and when we are getting closer to departure, we will fire up this blog and keep you informed on the discoveries we find around this amazing little planet of ours.

Give us a few weeks! We set off in March

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