Tuesday 5 May 2009


AAhhh... Autumn. My favourite thing about autumn is the light. Long saturated afternoons and fantastic shadowplay in the mornings. (Illustrated above - noticed only by diverting my gaze from the depths of accounting.)
The morning has been a little all over the shop for me.
Early morning (5.30) to drink espresso and indulge in design mags before the children arise. ("Mummy - it's getting daylight" 3yr old son). Then there's the obligatory looking at photos/ reading, breakfasting, lunch making marathon, craft session, husband making 15minute stopover from surf - flurry of tea making and whirlwind off to work, dressing children ("Mummy I hate my uniform - you can't run in it" spoken by Miss 6 - 5 minutes before departure, dropping children to respective school/ care facilites, drive home and time for cereal (aahh breakfast) and email checking. Thank goodness for sunshine!
Anyway, I always know that my trusty O'Bon 2B (wriring implement of choice) will be there for me and my list making. Quite amazing what can be done with waste newsprint, graphite and a bit of ingenuity. They do a fantastic artists set (2H to 8B) available here.
Happy autumn days everyone. Enjoy the clear days and deep breathing!

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