Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Disposable Culture

You know when council clean up time is approaching. Slowly but ever so surely piles of stuff start appearing out the front of peoples homes, units, villas. the thing is, they usually start a good month before the trucks come rolling by.

I'm beyond being disturbed by this - just gob smacked, as there are often perfectly fine articles just being abandoned. In this pile looked like a perfectly good double bed frame - new it would cost a few hundred bucks.  Maybe the lawn mover needs a service. But the thing is, some of these bits could have been donated to a local charity. Some bits in these piles need to be put in peoples regular waste collection.

The up side of this embarrassment, is that treasure lies in those piles for bower birds like me (see the red bag above) and my treasure -hunting, scrap -metal -collecting- for- cash neighbour down the road.
I've seen mums trawling the piles too, looking for things they can turn into ready cash. Great for those with the initiative and the time.

For a developed nation, I do find it a bit embarrassing that we see so many of our goods as readily disposable (how many TVs, monitors, keyboards lie down your street at council clean up?)and even then, we believe someone else should clean it up.

Luckily, councils step up to the plate but what do they do with the mountains of stuff? 
Just remember kids, look after your toys. If it's worth putting your hard earned cash into, then it's worth looking after.

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