Monday, 14 December 2009
Happy Holidays - yeha!
Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Almost there...

For ever I've wanted to open a store. somewhere that's part lounge room, part store, part office, part workshop. A welcome space, where you can be free to wander and have a good look at the goodies.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Lifestyle before Landfill

Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Plastic detritus never looked so good

Friday, 9 October 2009
Things are going swimmingly (finds from NZ)
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Salvaged stuff

Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Eco Kids Festival

Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Eco Depot delivery system

Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Spring Time has sprung
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Multi Use pieces

I'm all for stuff having more than one function. As our world fills up with more and more STUFF, it seems a fair call to make the things we do have work harder instead of getting 1 article/ object/ tool/ product/ thing do do 1 job only. Take this humble muslin wrap. Originally designed just to swadle little ones, it can also hand the Christmas pudding, strain the bits out of your home made jam or cheese, hang up over a window and watch the shadow play or wrap around your neck to keep the chill out. See. Easy peasy. Beautiful certified organic cotton, double layered. The company making these 90 cm squares of wonder make sure all their employees and their families have health and a safe work environment. Lets not forget they get paid a fair wage too! Everyone wins. Who wants the intensive chemically grown stuff (ie- cotton) nect to their little one, in their food or wrapped snuggly around their neck. Keep it in mind.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Hi ho, it's off I go!
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
mmm, smells like honey....
Wednesday, 1 July 2009

As you're all aware, there are many companies out there with fantastic copywriters. Trying to make us think that we really, really need (at least) 1 of whatever they're selling. Great for them, but it has to work both ways.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Super Special time of the year!
Being the end of the month, it's time for me to pack up the studio stock, tetris it into the car and head north for Sunday Coledale Markets. Lots of samples and end of line specials will be on sale this time. Goodies that we haven't got around to popping up on the site & goodies people haven't see before. Drop by and pick up a bargain!
(It's not too early to start on that box under the bed for Christmas)
Stay warm and savour a nice slow cooked soup. (If you add beetroot early on, it turns the soup an amazing shade of magenta and sweetens it a touch.)
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
pass it on.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Let the sun shine in
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Heading for the Sunshine State
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Where does inspiration come from?
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Our parcels take public transport

Why (essentially) send your goods off in private transportation, taking up all that extra space and using all that extra energy to get there? We have a fantastic 'bus stop' just up the road, with a 100% success rate. A little forward planning saves everyone and we can all breathe a little deeper.
We even send some of our goods off in the nude. On of our products, the Tuff Tub, is super tough, so we only bound the handles using off-cuts of other stuff for easier handling.
We put a lot of thought into how we dress our goods for their maiden voyages. Most, will be bundled into reclaimed boxes, some bubble wrapped first (reused - naturally) to make sure they reach their destination in pristine condition. Any bundles we wrap, are done so using Australia's finest 100% post - consumer recycled paper. And tied with string purchased at a 2nd hand market stall.
I do feel a little guilty when I print labels out now and again to go on the larger parcels. But I rest assured that the local Australia post delivery person can clearly read delivery address.
Travel safely and travel smart, little ones.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Disposable Culture
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Thursday, 30 April 2009
EcoDepot HQ
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
To Market to Market
Coledale Markets are on this Sunday from 9am at Coledale Primary School - yay! It has to be one of the most pleasant ways to spend a Sunday in the Illawarra. Georgous foods, fresh coffee, local (Berry) sourdough breads and treasures of every type. One of the (many) highlights is the school playground where the little ones can wear themselves out, whilst the big kids take turns to check out the stalls.
So for the better part of the day, I've been pricing all of our stock, trialling stall set ups in our studio and generally making sure everything is ready to rock.
I found a fantastic old projector screen to paint onto, so people know where they're at. The best bit, because the screen had the tiniest tear - the lovely gentlenman at the secondhand store gave it to me for free! I decided card tables would be the way to go as my market tables, as they are fairly light to transport & fit together. Up to my local op shop, fingers crossed - and score! There's my new card table, with barely a mark. Happy days. So I have my grandmas old table, a nearly newbie and my Dad is going to donate his barely used - sitting in the back of the shed - 20 odd years old table to the cause. I love pieces with history. Makes for more interesting stories.
Enjoy the week, and pulling on those layers as the temperatures slowly heads south.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Meet my new mate...EARL

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
A Beautiful Day
3 Things that have made my day beautiful....
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Wake up! (after lights out)
Saturday evening proved to be the perfect night to spend it with friends in the backyard under a star filled canopy. (Sunday was a beautiful day for going slow) As a result of Earth Hour, Sydney's power consumption dropped apparently 9% for the hour. Certainly dramatic imagery as the world's iconic building dimmed. Our kids absolutely loved the whole deal. Candle light, running around making up their own fun & a fire drum in the back yard. As a result we're aiming for a weekly Earth Hour evening throughout winter.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009

It has snuck up again, that time when we turn out our lights for at least an hour on Saturday 28th March for Earth Hour. Australia Post has even published stamps for the occasion! We're using it as an invitation to catch up with friends, hang out and enjoy a (beeswax) candlelit meal together. (Just beware if you have little ones around, they tend not to mix well with naked flames)
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Happy January!

I've already bent my first New Year's Resolution - oops! This entry should have happened a little while ago...But in saying that January has been a fantastic month. Loads of time with my family kicking off with 4 days of camping at the Peats Ridge Festival. A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all- public art from pre loved items,organic meals, music from around the globe and swimming in the river every afternoon - yay!
I've also been spending time contemplating product design and how to run a small business in a way that gives and inspires.
We had fantastic feedback from our Positive Produce exhibition and some beautiful comments from people at the recent Illawarra Folk Festival in regards to our range and the stories behind our goodies. (the entire festival is organised and run by volunteers!) What do we really need? If we do need stuff - where does it come from, who has made it and what is the embodied energy in our latest purchase? Does any of it really improve the quality of our lives. This train of thought was opened up again by reading the interview with Emily Pilloton in Dumbo Feather, pass it on (issue 18).
If you're wondering about the photo, it was taken whilst walking home after reading said article with Emily and really looking around.
Keep your eyes peeled, as we will be, tracking down more artists and makers doing/ creating fantastic things to feature on EcoDepot. Anyone you think we should know about, please drop us a line!